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How To Disable Building Font Cache In Vlc

The most popular video media player is the vlc.well renounced and mostly used and preferred by people allover the world.Some of my friends had problem in updating font cache in vlc.See me how we can remove building font cache.Before vlc launch people use window media player which also good but due to awesome feature of vlc, it make its position.I also like vlc very much, you know why i like it, guys because it is light weighted.

disable building font cache in vlc

why we have building cache error

Actually we have many font files in our system.system use use font from subtitle when we are watching movie or video having subtitle.Some time we download subtitle and and some time subtitle is already embedded by video maker.system look for subtitle font file before playing and cache take time to give information to vlc.

First step when vlc show this error

when vlc show building font cache mostly people tired of it because it take too much time and looks look vlc is not working and they close the vlc and try to play the video file again but face same font cache problem. Apparently they close the vlc application but vlc exe continuously running at the back end.First we stop the vlc exe before fixing font cache problem.

1 Press ctrl+alt+delete buttons on your keyboard at the same time

2 new window appear click start task manager

3 now you will see a pop up window

end up application process

4 Now click on process and search for vlc.exe.

5 After searching click on end process.

How to fix font problem

6 Now open vlc player, go to tool and then select preferences.

7 A new window appear select all from the bottom.

8 Now select subtitle/osd from options

9 Change automatically to  dummy font render

10 Now click save button and you are done

you process finish if you have any question feel free to ask me.

Font cache problem is very common but in most of video font works finely but few videos show problem of font cache.Most of time when we play other video font work fine but specific video show font cache error due to font style and effect.some time when you upload new subtitle the it show font error.situation is differ of font error if you are uploading subtitle manually.

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